Friday, September 26, 2008

Watching the debate

Ugh. Anyone up for working on a secession plan?

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Getting tired of watching stock market turmoil.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Support the American Red Cross

Sorry for the Utterli long mailing list, but this is Utterli worth it.

Claire Johnson shared an inspirational Utter from Leslie from the Red Cross yesterday. You might already know that the American Red Cross harnesses Utterli to create and syndicate communications. All of us here at Utterli are huge supporters of the American Red Cross, and we try to help them out in their mission to help any way we can.

To hear the post, please go to the new group RedCrossDay --…edCrossDay -- and listen to the post from Claire. Please also join the group and choose an act of solidarity (i.e. replace your avatar with Red Cross logo, update your status) so that Claire has a way to know how many people have joined. And, if you can, please give.

This is all about getting the word out, so please tell your friends, and have them tell their friends as well.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Great view

Pretty awesome view of SFO from my room. Very hazy, though.

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Test post 2

Just running another quick test.

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Test post

Just making a test post.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

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Pink elephants?

Should I be driving if I'm seeing pink elephants?

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Morning music: Marilyn Manson

Great way to start the day!

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Neil Peart's comments on Prague

The section on Prague had me thinking of you last night as I was finishing Neil Peart's "Roadshow." Neil Peart, drummer from Rush, wrote of his travels (primarily by motorcycle) on his 2004 tour. He seemed deeply impressed with Prague as a city and described it more extensively than most of the cities he's visited as a true example of European character that's survived the wars, the Communists, and so forth.

Sure hope you're not leaving all that behind!

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008


After a frustrating and full 48 hours of trying hard to fall in love with the new Chrome browser, I just went back to FireFox. It was a tough couple of days...many problems with many sites ( worked fine throughout, but many others had issues, especially with drop down boxes).

I'll try it again in a couple of weeks, and we'll see if things change.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008


Allicette is truly a goddess in an earthly incarnation. She knows why.

Ever indebted, my dear...

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